Itinerario visual de la educación actual de Andalucía10 años de centros TIC

  1. Lavandera Ponce, Silvia
Supervised by:
  1. Ángel Boza Carreño Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 23 May 2014

  1. Leonor Buendía Eisman Chair
  2. Juan Manuel Méndez Garrido Secretary
  3. Carolina Sousa Committee member

Type: Thesis


The current Investigation has as an objective to create a visual portrait of primary education in Andalusia in order to analyze whether the introduction of ICT in education has produced visible impacts through the use of visual records. The research has attempted to create portrait of primary education through the use of a multiple case study, collecting photographs of multiple educational sites while focusing on three dimensions: infrastructure, people and processes. The photos were either collected by us or selected by the protagonists of the centres. The protagonists then analyzed and commented on the content of the photographs. The main conclusions we emphasize are that although tradition and innovation coexist in the same space, there are images showing that traditional methodologies are slowing making room for methodologies based on the use of ICT, more evident in some centres than in others.