Los jóvenes andaluces y la solidaridaduna perspectiva integradora de actitud y práctica
- Corpas Nogales, José Manuel
- Iván Rodríguez Pascual Director
Defence university: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 10 July 2015
- Felipe Morente Mejías Chair
- Octavio Vázquez Aguado Secretary
- Luis Ayuso Sánchez Committee member
Type: Thesis
This thesis is about Andalusian youth people and the correlation among them and solidarity. Concretely we have done an analysis based on an unifying perspective of attitude and practice through a constructivist perspective, by which we visualise young people as a social construct. Therefore this is a thesis based in the social construction of the Andalusian young people. The present research tries to approximate in depth to the recent process of socialization which connects solidarity with social practices of part of the Andalusian young people. Specifically, this thesis connects young people with the increase of the social phenomenon called volunteering, channeled mainly by solidary institutions: NGOs. This thesis is divided into three parts: the first one, consists in three chapters which make up (o constitute) the reference theoretical frame, where the solidarity socio historical context and its constitutive features is analyzed, and at the same time is analyzed the young people as a social construct and its construction around solidarity agents. This thesis' second part is dedicated to the research methodological process; in this part the research objectives and hypothesis are collected, as well as the field work development and information treatment, all this through a qualitative methodology and the triangulation with secondary sources. The third and last part of this thesis constitutes the investigation report and ifs divided into results and conclusions. Definitely, we are faced by a research which analyses Andalusian young people continuous social construction towards solidarity practices, from the established dialectics among the reality constructed through the theoretical frame, and the reality constructed through young people and the interviewee people who are in direct contact with young people and solidarity practices.