El patrimonio como contenido de enseñanzaanálisis de concepciones y de recursos didácticos

  1. Ferreras-Listán, Mario
Supervised by:
  1. Jesús Estepa Giménez Director
  2. Miriam José Martín Cáceres Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 25 September 2015

  1. Rosa María Ávila Ruiz Chair
  2. José María Cuenca López Secretary
  3. Olaia Fontal Merillas Committee member

Type: Thesis


The present doctoral thesis entitled “Heritage as educational teaching content. Analysis of conceptions and educational resources”, has been developed by means of a compendium of articles. Every article has been published in top-notch scientific journals and indexed according to its impact rate, in the Social Citation Index (Thomson Reuters); in the Social Science Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index; Journal Citation Reports, and/or in the Scimago Journal Rank (SJR), or presents the evaluation criteria established by the National Evaluation Commission of Research Practice(CNEAI). The essential purpose of the research made in all the presented publications, implicates knowing to which extent the Heritage is a key construct to educate critical citizens, in formal, non-formal and informal education. With this intention the conceptions of Primary School Teachers, Secondary School Professors and Heritage Managers, are analyzed regarding the Heritage’s educational potential. This is because these professionals are the main teaching, dissemination and communication agents of Heritage. Besides, the main educational resources used by these professionals in educative institutions (textbooks) and in the museums and interpretation centers (didactical and educational materials) are analyzed, in order to know how they address the Heritage from a socio-educative perspective. Therefore, we place the present thesis within the line of research of ‘‘Heritage Education”, which is responsible of transmitting the ability and need to identify ourselves with the heritage elements that are part of our identity as a person. Thus, it is important to develop research focused on the process and use of Heritage in school (formal education), and in museums and interpretation centers (non-formal education), as main social institutions which form future citizens. Within these organizations is where the knowledge that people acquire in general, and the Heritage in particular, converge. This is because Heritage went from being available only to a limited number of researchers, to become an alternative for knowledge, tourism, leisure and recreation for the citizens, bringing benefits to the local communities and contributing to their improvement expectations regarding its treatment, dissemination, use and enjoyment. This work has been developed within the research group ‘‘Didactics of Experimental, Social and Mathematical Sciences” (DESYM). Specifically within the sector of researchers who belong to this group and who form at the same time a sub¬group which works on a research line focused on “Heritage’s education, dissemination and research” (EDIPATRI). The workshop EDIPATRI has been one of the pioneers in addressing Heritage Education as a research field, and its publications regarding this matter have been extensive. This doctoral thesis is demarcated within the development and execution of two Research and Development projects (R&D): -Heritage’s teaching and dissemination from educative institutions and interpretation centers. Heritage’s conceptions from a holistic perspective (BS02003-07573) -Heritage and its teaching: resources and materials analysis for an integrated proposal of Heritage Education (EDU2008- 01968) Both projects have been financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and lead by Dr. Jesús Estepa Giménez in the University of Huelva.