Percepciones del profesorado de Educación Física de Educación Secundaria sobre el papel de la expresión corporal en el currículum en Andalucía

  1. Villard Aijón, Manuel
Supervised by:
  1. Estefanía Castillo Viera Director
  2. Mar Montávez Martín Director
  3. Manuel Tomás Abad Robles Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 12 November 2014

  1. Francisco Javier Rojas Ruiz Chair
  2. Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes-Guerra Secretary
  3. Kiki Ruano Arriagada Committee member

Type: Thesis


In this thesis we wanted to know the shape of Corporal Expression from the perspective that Secondary Physical Education teachers gave to their subject and that worked in the capital of provinces in Andalucía. This project arose from the willingness of a real teacher that wants to dive into such a content as Educational Corporal Expression. These facts were complemented with the perceptions of experts in Corporal Expression. The starting point of this work is a theoretical base divided in three chapters: the first chapter where we approach the Educational Corporal Expression from the very origin of this content in the currículum , a second one where we concentrate on teachers' knowledge of Corporal Expression making use of the TIC classes and a third chapter where we will revise the main studies that have as a centre point Corporal Expression from an educational point of view. Thanks to a mixed methodology, this descriptive study includes a questionaire destined to the teachers of Secondary Education of the different capitals of provinces that also includes an auto-survey for the experts in Corporal Expression, we reached a series of conclusions that are detailed in the nineth chapter. These show the necessity to boost these strategies with more contents than those that teachers are given initially and, above all, permanently, the key point where we can initiate a debate and focus our energies to imporove the quality of teaching nowadays. To sum up, we want to describe and understand the educational reality in Secondary Education in Andalucía, as well as point out some strategies like the use of a blog as a tool that foments team work to improve the quality of teachers with regards to these contents.