Ecological traits of fish assemblages from Mediterranean Europe and their responses to human disturbance

  1. Ferreira, T.
  2. Oliveira, J.
  3. Caiola, N.
  4. de Sostoa, A.
  5. Casals, F.
  6. Cortes, R.
  7. Economou, A.
  8. Zogaris, S.
  9. Garcia-Jalon, D.
  10. Ilhéu, M.
  11. Martinez-Capel, F.
  12. Pont, D.
  13. Rogers, C.
  14. Prenda, J.
Fisheries Management and Ecology

ISSN: 0969-997X 1365-2400

Year of publication: 2007

Volume: 14

Issue: 6

Pages: 473-481

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2400.2007.00584.X GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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