Calidad de la canal y de la carne de cabritos de las razas autóctonas payoya y blanca andaluza en sistemas de pastoreo
- Vega Galán, Francisco de la
- José Luis Guzmán Guerrero Director
- Manuel Delgado Pertíñez Director
- Luis Ángel Zarazaga Garcés Director
Defence university: Universidad de Sevilla
Fecha de defensa: 02 February 2016
- Pedro González Redondo Chair
- Alberto Horcada Ibáñez Secretary
- Carmen Avilés Ramírez Committee member
- Susana García Torres Committee member
- Kizkitza Insausti Barrenetxea Committee member
Type: Thesis
The aim of this study was to evaluate the comparative carcass and meat quality, the fatty acid (FA) composition of longissimus thoracis muscle and kidney and pelvic fat and sensory quality of Blanca Andaluza and Payoya goat kids under organic and conventional grazing–based livestock production system. Twenty-four twin kids (12 males, 12 females) were selected from each system and breed. Carcass quality and instrumental meat quality, the fatty acid (FA) composition of muscle and fat depots and sensory quality were studied. In conclusion, small significant differences were found only in a few offal components and color in Blanca Andaluza breed. The percentages of C17:0, C17:1, C20:1, C20:4 n-6, C22:2 and several n-3 FAs were higher in organic meat; C12:0, C18:1 trans-11, CLA and C20:5 n-3 were lower in organic meat. The fat depots from the conventional kids showed lower percentages of C12:0, C14:0, C15:0, C17:0, C17:1, C18:3 n-3 and atherogenicity index and higher percentage of C18:0. In the pelvic fat, the conventional kids displayed lower percentages of C16:0, C18:2 n-6 cis, PUFA, n-3 and n-6 FAs, and greater percentages of C18:1 n-9 cis and MUFA. The conventional kids displayed a major n6:n3 ratio in the kidney fat. No gender differences were observed. Significant differences were found only in some FA percentages of muscle and adipose tissues of suckling kids raised in organic and conventional livestock production systems. Meats of goat kid under organic grazing-based management system and Blanca Andaluza breed showed less odor and flavor intensity and juicier. System effect on the color intensity, tenderness and ease of mastication was different for each breed. There are clear differences between systems for descriptions of the odor / aroma and basic flavors. In conclusion, these preliminary results would be favorable for transforming conventional grazing-based management system on organic grazing-based management system. In Payoya breed, gender only significantly affected the HCW, CCW, dressings percentages, Th, K, LW, LW/F, blood, feet, gastro intestinal tract, left half carcass, flank, percentages of muscle, percentages of others tissues and muscle/bone index, intramuscular fat, pH initial, color and WHC. Slaughter Live Weight, Hot Carcass Weight, Cold Carcass Weight and Empty Body Weight were greater in conventional than in organic kids. However, shoulder, leg, and first category were lower in conventional than in organic kids. Hot Carcass Weight, Cool Carcass Weight and dressings were greater in male than in female. Few gender differences were observed in the muscle and in the fat depots. The ratios of C14:0, C18:1 trans-11 (VA), and several n-3 FA were higher in organic kid meat than in conventionally reared kid meat. Conventional kid fat depots have presented higher percentage of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), lower CLA desaturase index, lower percentage of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty-acid (PUFA) and, consequently, higher n6:n3 PUFA ratio than organic kids. In conclusion, significant differences were found only in some FA percentages of muscle and adipose tissues of suckling kids raised in organic and conventional livestock production systems, probably due because the dams, in both experimental farms, were raised with similar semi-extensive system based on the grazing of natural pastures. Due to this reason, conventional grazing-based management farms could easily be transformed into organic production facilities.