Topografía, imagen y evolución urbanística de la córdoba clásica a la tardoantigua (ss. Ii-vii d.C.)

  1. Ruiz Bueno, Manuel Dionisio
  1. Desiderio Vaquerizo Gil Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Córdoba (ESP)

Fecha de defensa: 2016(e)ko azaroa-(a)k 30

  1. Juan Manuel Campos Carrasco Presidentea
  2. Alberto León Muñoz Idazkaria
  3. Giuliano Volpe Kidea

Mota: Tesia


ABSTRACT: This thesis mainly aimed to the reconstruction of the topography and the image of Cordoba between the second and seventh centuries, focusing its attention and interest in the intramural space. For this, we have collected, systematized and analyzed a varied cast of sources (of eminently archaeological nature) related to the caput provinciae of the Baetica and, in many cases, still unpublished. One of the results of this work is a flexible and critical "catalog" in which we have ordered, described and studied the main topographical elements that defined the image of Cordoba for about six centuries (Block II). The required integral and complete interpretation of the documentation from Cordoba, and the need to analyze it at a supra local level, have led us to examine it at a triple scale: regional (Baetica), Peninsular (Hispania) and in lesser extent, supra-Peninsular. Thanks to this labour we have been able to contextualize, from a historical and archaeological view, different topographical changes detected between the second and seventh century, with special attention to those that took place in space within the walls (Block III). This remodelling affected areas as diverse as urban defenses, road infrastructure and sanitation, water supply, management of solid waste, public and semi-public architecture, domestic architecture, the Christianization of the topography, craft activities, funerary world, and the model of space occupation. BIBLIOGRAFÍA BÁSICA (Solamente 10 de los trabajos principales consultados, el autor remite al apéndice bibliográfico en la tesis para toda la producción bibliográfica que ha sido básica para esta investigación): -BROGIOLO, G.P. (2011): Le origini della città medievale. PCA Studies, nº 1, Mantua.