La igualdad de mujeres y hombres más allá de la escuelaestrategías de aprendizaje

  1. Estepa Giménez, Jesús
  2. Domínguez Domínguez, Consuelo
Formación de la ciudadanía: las TICs y los nuevos problemas
  1. Vera-Muñoz, María Isabel (coord.)
  2. Pérez Pérez, David (coord.)

Publisher: Asociación Universitaria de Profesores de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales (AUPDCS)

ISBN: 84-609-0328-1

Year of publication: 2004

Congress: Simposio Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales (15. 2004. Alicante)

Type: Conference paper


Theories supporting inequality between men and women, based on biological aspects or anachronistic moral ideas, are remote and obsolete. Social change, legal and educational reforms have established and equality background to eliminate differences between sexes. The aims of this work are to check the basis contributing to maintain old sex roles, to analyse new elements distorting the framework of life in equality in the new worldwide society and to facilitate tools to elaborate a program for the analysis of key problems like domestic violence, sexual intercourse and labour slavery concerning many women. Starting from knowledge inherent in our social disciplines we have to construct a proposal that give rise to learning strategies tending to promote ethical behaviours able to design a framework of life in equality, solidarity and diversity between men and women.