The role of trust ans risk in e-trading.

  1. García Machado, Juan José
  2. Roca Pulido, Juan Carlos
  3. Vega Jiménez, Juan José de la
Creativity and survival of the firm under uncertainty
  1. Celant, Attilio (coord.)
  2. Iturralde, Txomin (coord.)

Publisher: Academia Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, AEDEM

ISBN: 978-84-692-5174-4

Year of publication: 2009

Type: Book chapter


This paper presents an extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and it is empirically examined in an online financial trading context. The research evaluated the impact of perceived trust and perceived risk on einvestors� intention to use online dealers� and stockbrokers� services. A partial least-squares structural modelling approach was used to evaluate the explanatory power and causal links of the model. Findings indicate that perceived risk is an important barrier in the use of online trading systems. In contrast, perceived trust is crucial for enhancing the use of these systems. These findings contribute to an increased understanding of the factors that promote e-trading acceptance.