Proyecto de investigación y puesta en valor de la ciudad hispanorromana de Turobriga (San Mamés, Aroche, Huelva)

  1. Vidal Teruel, Nuria de la O
  2. Campos Carrasco, Juan Manuel
  3. Pérez Macías, Juan Aurelio
  4. Gómez Rodríguez, Agueda
Anuario arqueológico de Andalucía 1998

Publisher: Consejería de Cultura ; Junta de Andalucía

ISBN: 84-8266-241-4 84-8266-239-2

Year of publication: 2001

Volume Title: Actividades sistemáticas y puntuales

Volume: 2

Pages: 93-104

Type: Book chapter


Located in the nearness of today’s village of Aroche (Huelva), the forum of roman Turobriga is being excavated by members of Área de Arqueología de la Universidad de Huelva as from 1996. Due to historical relevance of general remains an archaeological/historical heritage proyect was accordingly issued thereafter. This paper resumes general works carried out between 1998 and 1999 including field research on site, territory survey, and policy for preservation-exhibition of town and its remains.