Contratación y postcontratación en los mercados de los valoresun sistema especial de transmisión de valores

  1. León Sanz, Francisco José
La reforma del sistema de poscontratación en los mercados de valores
  1. Martínez Flórez, Aurora (dir.)
  2. Garcimartín Alférez, Francisco José (dir.)
  3. Recalde Castells, Andrés Juan (dir.)

Publisher: Cizur Menor(Navarra): Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, 2017

ISBN: 978-84-9152-774-9

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 43-71

Type: Book chapter


The regulation of securities clearing and settlement systems has undergone a profound reform in recent years that has not yet been definitively completed. The reform is a major change in the configuration of the post-trading in Spain. The purpose of this study is to understand the reform in terms of the post-trading regime and the objectives to be achieved. In the paper, a consideration is made of the norms that deal with the clearing and settlement of securities as institutional norms of the financial markets. Next, an analysis of the fundamental elements form the perspective of the rationale of its legal configuration is made from the aims that are tried to achieve.