Terra Preta do IndioEfecto de la aplicación de fósforo en la actividad enzimática fosfomonoesterasade suelos con plantas micorrizadas
- Gert Woeltje 1
- Carlos María Weiland 1
- Manuel Jesús Gázquez 1
- Juan Pedro Bolívar 1
Universidad de Huelva
Publisher: Sociedade Portuguesa da Ciência do Solo (SPCS)
ISBN: 978-989-99665-0-5
Year of publication: 2016
Pages: 83-86
Type: Book chapter
The difficult decomposition of anthropogenic organic matter and the organic phosphorus high proportion makes it very fertile soils of basin Amazon called 'Terra Preta do Indio' TPI (Amazonian Darh Earth), compared to adjacent soils. TPI soil, this research has been able to establish mycorrhizal associations between plant roots Capsicun annuum and fungi Glomus intraradices and G. mosseae, even with phosphorus inputs in irrigation. The phos- phomonoesterase enzymatic activity of soil TPI and Arenosoils (poor organic matter) also are compared. The results seem to indicate that these enzyme activities are more affected by phosphorus requirements of plants, according to their development, which inputs phosphorus in irrigation.