El estudio arqueoarquitectónico del acueducto romano de Huelva
- Javier Bermejo Meléndez 1
- Alberto Bermejo Meléndez 1
- Francisco Marfil Vázquez 1
- Lucía Fernández Sutilo 1
- Juan M. Campos Carrasco 1
- Rafael González Domínguez 1
- Genaro Álvarez García 2
- José Molina Rodríguez 2
Universidad de Huelva
- 2 Sociedad Espeleológica GEOS
- Bermejo Meléndez, Javier (ed. lit.)
- Campos Carrasco, Juan Manuel (ed. lit.)
Publisher: Universidad de Huelva
ISBN: 978-84-17776-91-6
Year of publication: 2020
Pages: 119-184
Type: Book chapter
The following chapter describes an exhaustive study of the different hydraulic infraestructures that formed the aquaeductus of Onoba. with a special ennphasis on the archaeological and architectural anaiysis of the socalled "Fuente Vieja", with the comblnation of both elements has allowed to establish a chronological sequence of the different works that are today appreciable both Inside and outside the warehouse and its gallery. At the same time it has been possible to confirm, without any doubt, its dating in Rornan times, as well as its functionality as a limestone pool for these first foundational moments. However, it has also been possible to determine how this primary structure underwent important reforms marked by the population's water supply needs in different historical periods, which ended up altering its morphology to the point of becoming a source.