¡No sé que hacer con estos niños! Reflexiones en torno a la formación inicial de las maestras y maestros en atención a la diversidad
ISSN: 1575-0345
Year of publication: 2001
Issue Title: Atención a la diversidad
Issue: 3
Pages: 103-116
Type: Article
More publications in: XXI. Revista de educación
This work shows a reflection on initial training of teachers taking finto account thé requirements of comprehensive school. Firstly, it is showed a proposal of initial training of teachers, putting the emphasis in the functional chacacter of learnings to analyse and answer to the diversity of students in the classroom. Secondly, some specific requirements are raised to the current educational system. Later, the Educational Plans of Teacher Studies in the University of Huelva are revised, contributing with some possible alternatives to try to answer to the challenge of diversity.