Influence of Tomato Paste Processing on the Linear Viscoelasticity of Tomato Ketchup
- Valencia Barragán, Concepción
- Gallegos Montes, Críspulo
- Sánchez, M. C.
- Ciruelos, A.
ISSN: 1082-0132, 1532-1738
Year of publication: 2004
Volume: 10
Issue: 2
Pages: 95-100
Type: Article
More publications in: Food science and technology international = Ciencia y tecnología de alimentos internacional
Tomato paste is used as an ingredient for the manufacture of tomato ketchup. This paper deals with the influence that some tomato paste processing variables (finisher screen opening and breaking temperature) and tomato variety exert on the linear viscoelastic properties of tomato ketchup. Two tomato varieties (H-282 and H-282F) were used. H-282 is a commercial variety whilst H-282F is a variety with a lower content in polygalacturonase (PG). Dynamic viscoelastic tests and particle size distribution measurements were carried out. Viscoelastic properties of tomato ketchup were mainly related to their mean volume diameter, tomato paste water-insoluble solids content (that depended on the tomato paste processing) and tomato variety.