Análisis tafonómico preliminar de la ictiofauna pliocénica del S.O. de España
- Abad de los Santos, Manuel
- Ruiz Muñoz, Francisco
- Mara García, Edith Xio
ISSN: 0213-683X
Any de publicació: 2003
Número: 35
Pàgines: 127-130
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Geogaceta
The taphonomic analysis of the Osteichthyes and Condrichthyes of the Arenas de Huelva Formation permits to delimitate three parts into this Neogene unit: a) basal, glauconitic layer, with numerous teeths and caudal stings well preserved of the carchariniforms, lamniforms and skates that lived in a open marine environment; b) intermediate layer with several rich-shell horizons due to storms, with scarce eroded otholithes and teeths; and c) upper layer, without any remain of these groups because of the high dissolution level.