Formación de formadoresuna estrategia de educación para la salud
- Torrico Linares, María Esperanza
- Carrasco González, Ana María
- Sánchez González, Josefa Catalina
ISSN: 1575-0345
Year of publication: 2004
Issue Title: Las mujeres en la educación
Issue: 6
Pages: 181-188
Type: Article
More publications in: XXI. Revista de educación
The present work presents the results of a program carried out at the request of due Provincial Delegation of the Consejería of Health in Huelva, and directed to the formation of juvenile mediators in promoting behaviours of health, so that, subsequently, they acted as models and transmitted specific information about healthy habits to their equals. The formation program had a total duration of 45 hours distributed in three modules of 15 hours each one. The participants were 30 youths of ages front 20 to 26 years. At the beginning of the program, a questionnaire was given in order to analyse the knowledge and attitudes that the youth liad about determined behaviours, such as the consumption of alcohol and other drugs, criminal behaviours and risk behaviours related to road safety (pretest measure). At the end of the program, the mentioned questionnaire was given again to evaluate the partitipants'acquired formation (postest measured) and their valuation of tate speakers as well its the acquired knowledge. At this present work, the previous knowledge and the acquired ones are presented during the intervention program, as well as the program evaluation made by the youth.