Los ostrácodos del horizonte glauconítico inferior de la Formación "Arcillas de Gibraleón"(depresión del Guadalquivir, SO España)
- Ruiz Muñoz, Francisco
- Pendón Martín, José Gabriel
- González-Regalado Montero, María Luz
- Abad de los Santos, Manuel
- Rosa Díaz, Jesús de la
- Tosquella Angrill, Josep
ISSN: 0213-683X
Year of publication: 2004
Issue: 37
Pages: 215-218
Type: Article
More publications in: Geogaceta
The analysis of the ostracod assemblages collected in the lower glauconitic horizon of the Arcillas de Gibraleon Formation permits to delimitate two levels: a) Basal level, with the presence of infralittoral, outer platform and even bathyal species, indicative of a condensed section with the evolution from subaerial environments to outer platform environments in a 60 cm-thickness interval; and b) Upper level, deposited in a outer platform-upper bathyal environment, according to the glaucony features and the ostracod assemblages.