La ostracofauna de los sedimentos litorales del NE de Italia. Iel río Adige

  1. Menegazzo Vetturi, L.
  2. Pistolato, M.
  3. Ruiz Muñoz, Francisco
  4. González-Regalado Montero, María Luz
Studia geologica salmanticensia

ISSN: 0211-8327

Year of publication: 1998

Volume: 34

Pages: 3-13

Type: Article

More publications in: Studia geologica salmanticensia


In the mouth of the Adige river, a scarce ostracofaune was found, belongig to twelve species. The influence of fluvial flows on the ecological assemblage distribution is consistently high and, so, the caparaces and valves may be utilized as sedimentary tracers. The Adige river sedimentation is located in the fluvial channel and the adjacent marine area during the low inputs, whereas the infralittoral area (up to 10 m depth) is the main depositional zone during the high dicharges.