La evaluación de aprendizajes en educación física. Diferencias en función del nivel educativo
- Sicilia Camacho, Álvaro
- Delgado Noguera, Miguel Ángel
- Sáenz-López Buñuel, Pedro
- Manzano Moreno, J. Ignacio
- Varela Domínguez, Rafael
- Cañadas Larrubia, J. Félix
- Gutiérrez Delgado, Manuel
ISSN: 0214-0071, 2386-4095
Year of publication: 2006
Issue: 17
Pages: 71-95
Type: Article
More publications in: European Journal of Human Movement
This paper analyzes the evaluation in primary and secondary Physical Education curriculum. Qualitative and quantitative data were gathered using survey (n=415) and focus groups (n=57) in order to carry out the purposes of this study. Findings showed that secondary education teachers prioritized the evaluation of procedural learning while elementary education teachers gave priority to attitudinal learning. In this vein, differences in using some evaluative instruments were found. In addition, assessment was considered an important element within evaluation process for both elementary and secondary education, but secondary education teachers showed more agreement with that idea. The implications of these results with regard to teaching instructional actions in physical education classes are discussed
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