¿Quién manda en las escuelas portuguesas? Reformas democráticas y prácticas de gobiernos en los establecimientos escolares de Portugal

  1. Lobo de Melo, Ângelo J.
  2. González Faraco, Juan Carlos
XXI. Revista de educación

ISSN: 1575-0345

Any de publicació: 2006

Número: 8

Pàgines: 119-128

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: XXI. Revista de educación


The object of this article is to describe and analyze critically the present situation of the government of the Portuguese Schools after recent political and educational reforms. We have attempted to scrutinize the data obtained from three sources in arder to determine the dissonance between what is stipulated by the normative documents and what actually occurs in the schools. Everything points to the following conclusion: the objectives and the planning norms mandated by the government and the administration of the Portuguese Educational System are habitually and noticeably altered or distorted in their actual implementation. This discordance is most intense, or at least most blatant, at the local level, that is, in the Schools and in the Groupings of Schools.