Validación de un cuestionario de razonamiento probabilistico condicional

  1. Díaz Batanero, María Carmen

ISSN: 1135-6855

Year of publication: 2007

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 1-15

Type: Article

More publications in: REMA


Conditional probabilistic reasoning is useful in psychology and education due to its applications to diagnose, assessment, decision making and inference. We describe the validation of a questionnaire directed to assess this type of reasoning. We analyze the questionnaire internal consistency and the factor structure in a sample of 591 participants. Results suggest an underlying construct, that we interpret as formal knowledge on conditional probability, and which is unrelated to the reasoning biases described in the literature. The testretest reliability is estimated from a sub-sample (n= 102). Discriminant analysis of scores in two groups of students with and without instruction (n=298 and n=177) indicates criteria validity for the questionnaire.

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