El Perfil del profesorado universitarioun profesional en evolución constante
- García Rodríguez, María Pilar
- González Losada, Sebastián
ISSN: 1575-0345
Year of publication: 2007
Issue Title: Orientación educativa
Issue: 9
Pages: 181-205
Type: Article
More publications in: XXI. Revista de educación
This paper aims to show the results of a research which has been carried out by the University of Huelva in Spain. A large number of articles on assessment, training, scientific research and innovation are been developed nowadays in Spain. This is mainly due to different facts. On the one hand a growing interest in improving quality of University as an institution. On the other hand, because of the procedures university staff has to develop to prove its worth and the services (faculties offer as part of an institution). This is a result of the European Convergence Process. The huge implementation of assessment and appraisal procedures has had a great influence on University and its quality because political decisions are made according to its results. University teachers are the most affected and we aim at depicting how they define their professional profile and their permanent training so as to snake a sharp portrait of where they stand on this issue. These contributions are part of a larger research. We will focus on the conclusions and give a brief description of some methodological aspects and relevant results.