Nuevas aportaciones para la historia de las torres de almenara onubenses
- Villegas Martín, Juan
- Mira Toscano, Antonio
- Carriazo Rubio, Juan Luis
ISSN: 1136-6877
Year of publication: 2005
Issue: 12
Pages: 99-130
Type: Article
More publications in: Huelva en su historia
The line of watch towers built on the Atlantic Andalusian coast line has always attracted the interest of experts. Focusing on the coast of Huelva, however, new insights on the issue have not been abundant since the publication of the classic study on the matter by Luis de Mora-Figueroa (1981). Among those aspects still to disentangle, we find those referred to the long constructive process, with its most important time circa 1586, as well as the distributions that took place to proceed to their final construction. It is a quite remarkable aspect the fact that the circuit of watch towers built between the late 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century was much more important than the one we know today. That is to say, there were towers which have now disappeared, leaving almost no trace behind, as a consequence of the changing and aggressive conditions of the coast line. Apart from the disappeared El Terrón watch tower (named after the port next to it) and Maniata watch tower (which covered the way from San Miguel de Arca de Buey to Punta Umbria), there was another tower, Morla watch tower, which defended the broad space between Rh del Oro and Arenilla watch towers.