Baronías de los Moncada en los reinos de la Corona de Aragónfondos documentales inéditos para su estudio

  1. Sánchez González, Antonio
Aragón en la Edad Media

ISSN: 0213-2486

Year of publication: 2008

Issue Title: Homenaje a la profesora M.ª de los Desamparados Cabanes Pecourt

Issue: 20

Pages: 737-755

Type: Article

More publications in: Aragón en la Edad Media


The Moncada�s, a family with an uncertain origin, was landed in Catalonia since the Xth Century. Their branches are spread out throughout several kingdoms of «The Aragon Crown» during the Middle Age, with a relevant position inside the feudal society. The Aytona�s branch became an Archive with batches of documents of its Catalonian domains (Aitona, Llagostera�), the ones from Aragon (Fraga, Mequinenza�) and the ones from Valencia domains (Villamarchant, Chiva�). Subsequently, there was a connection with the «Castro�s House». Moreover, they added the batches of other domains from Aragon (La Puebla de Castro, Peralta de la Sal, Cuatro Castillos, Alfajarín, Hoz, Espés�). Nowadays, all this documentation is kept in the Ducal Archive of Medinaceli; at that time, it wasn�t organized with archivistic rigor, so this fact favored that the documentation wasn�t known and consulted in the most adequate way. And, furthermore, mostly of it is still unknown. This brief article pretends to contribute to the knowledge and spreading of these valuable documental fonts.