Alteración diferencial de las rocas volcánicas ácidas en el sector de Riotinto, Faja Pirítica Ibérica
- Donaire Romero, Teodosio
- Toscano Macías, Manuel
- Valenzuela Aguilera, Alfonso
- González-Roldán, Manuel Jesús
- Pascual Martínez, Emilio
ISSN: 0213-683X
Year of publication: 2010
Issue: 48
Pages: 147-150
Type: Article
More publications in: Geogaceta
Regional hydrotermal alteration of rhyolitic rocks from the Odiel area, Iberia Pyrite belt, Spain, has been assessed through geochemical study. Disregarding volcanic facies, all rhyolites have similar immobile trace elements contents. However, they show a contrasting hydrothermal alteration on currently used alteration plots: volcaniclastic rocks mainly plot as albitized rocks, whereas coherent rocks plot as weakly altered rocks. Also, a sharp contrast is shown between reagional and focused, VHMS-related alteration trends. Differences in the degree of regional alteration between volcaniclastic and coherent rocks are to be related to contrasting permeability, resulting in different water-rock ratios during hydrothermal processes. Accordingly, coherent rocks are to be preferred as least-altered samples for mass balance and other geochemical purposes.