Consideraciones sobre la hidroquímica de las aguas termales de «los Baños de Sierra Elvira» (Granada).

  1. Cerón García, Juan Carlos
  2. Castillo Martín, Antonio

ISSN: 0213-683X

Ano de publicación: 1995

Número: 19

Páxinas: 130-133

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Geogaceta

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


The principal physico-chemical characteristics of thermomineral waters of Banos de Sierra Elvira are studied (Middle Subbetic, Granada). The waters are calcium-sulphate type, with salinity around 2,5 g/ I and temperature of 32 °C. By SOLMINEQ.88 program the thermodinamic equilibrium conditions in surface are studied. The waters are saturated in most of mineral studied and have a base temperature of 63 °C (silica-quartz themometry). The results obtained show a long-term residence of waters, affected with mixing processes of shallow fresch-waters with low nitrate values