Análisis de frecuencia de avenidas del río Genil en Écija (Sevilla), en relación con la ocupación urbana de su llanura de inundación

  1. Fernández, I.
  2. Olivas, E.
  3. Cerón García, Juan Carlos

ISSN: 0213-683X

Year of publication: 2000

Issue: 29

Pages: 50-52

Type: Article

More publications in: Geogaceta

Sustainable development goals


The city of Ecija (Sevilla), had been suffered along history several destructives events of floods. Regulation of river basin made in the 60s, was not sufficient to finish completely the overbank problems over the city. This problem was increased because of the fast urban growth, aimed towards the inundation plain occupation. To obtain a quantitative knowledge of problem, were made a floods frecuency analysis of Cenil River in Ecija; and after this were plotted a floods risk map considering the greatest flows calculated for periods of 70, 25 and 7 00 years