Episodios cuaternarios de sedimentación química en la cueva de Los Covachos (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla)
- Rodríguez Vidal, Joaquín
- Álvarez García, Genaro
- Alcaraz Pelegrina, José Manuel
- Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu
- Cáceres Puro, Luis Miguel
- Cantano Martín, Mercedes
- Caro Gómez, José Antonio
ISSN: 0213-683X
Year of publication: 2000
Issue: 29
Pages: 107-110
Type: Article
More publications in: Geogaceta
The geological and geomorphological studies in Los Covachos cave reveal a wide collection of speleothems and a thick archaeological stratigraphies. Both isotopie dating of speleothems C^ThP^U) and charcoal layers C4C), in chemical and terrigenous sediments, show a Quaternary sequence of palaeoenvironmental evolution related with an alternating phases of biostatic and rhexistatic genesis. The first ones are partially situated in a warm and wet isotopie stages (7, 5, 3, and 1) and the others in a wider warm and dry stages (6, 4 and 2)