El manual Instrucción de enfermeros (1625), compuesto por los enfermeros obregones, y los cuidados urológicos en los hospitales del siglo XVII

  1. García Martínez, Manuel Jesús
  2. García Martínez, Antonio Claret

ISSN: 2695-5172 2695-5180

Argitalpen urtea: 2012

Zenbakia: 122

Orrialdeak: 4-10

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Enfuro


This paper that we present has as its objective to know and analyse the contence of Nursing Instruction treatise, mainly the related ones with urological and nefrological nursing: illnesses treated by nurses, existing terms, treatments, techniques and cares carried out. Nursing Instruction is a text which was written by Obregon nurses and it had five editions between the XVII and XVIII centuries. It is one of the first writings carried out by nurses with teaching purpose of those professional nurses, being a portrayal of nurse practice done at that time. The second edition is analyzed, an expanded version of the first which was carried out by the Obregon nurse Andrés Fernández and published in Madrid in the year 1625. Historic investigation methodology has been used during this paper.