Nuevos datos sobre macroflora del plioceno en el Suroeste de la Península Ibérica (Lepe, Huelva, España)

  1. Muñiz, F.
  2. Mayoral, E.
  3. Barrón, E.
  4. Cachao, M.

ISSN: 0213-683X

Argitalpen urtea: 1998

Zenbakia: 25

Orrialdeak: 143-146

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geogaceta


A new macroflora outcrop, post-Upper Zanclian (Lower Pliocene at least) in age is discovered at first time in the Southwestern sector of the neogene Guadalquivir Basin (near to Lepe, Huelva, Spain). The taxa are mainly represented by Daphnogene, Laurophyllum, Acer, Platanus, Salix, and doubtful Ginkgo and Zelkova remnants. This macroflora indicates a subtropical paleoclimatic conditions, under high temperatures related with marsh zones or flows, and probably, with episodic dry seasons events. These results are congruents with the former microflora (pollen) data established in the region and they are also rather similar with the pliocene climatic conditions of the catalonian (NE of the Spain) and portuguese basins