Geología y evolución magmática del eje volcánico de Paymogo, Faja Pirítica Ibérica

  1. Donaire, T.
  2. Sàez, R.
  3. Pascual, E.

ISSN: 0213-683X

Year of publication: 1998

Issue: 24

Pages: 115-118

Type: Article

More publications in: Geogaceta

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A field and petrographic study is presented on volcanic, subvolcanic and sedimentary rocks from the Paymogo volcanic lineament, northwestern spanish Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB). In this area, dacitic to rhyolitic rocks, are interfingered within a detritic sequence, showing a very complex spatio-temporal relationship. This starts with dacitic coherent and volcaniclastic facies, followed by rhyolitic pyroclastics and other volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks. The whole sequence was finally intruded by shallow subvolcanic acid rocks in various styles. These local, complex variations in igneous processes cannot be interpreted in terms of any of the evolutionary models for the IPB magmatism, implying that current larger-scale general models of igneous evolution in this region should be considered with caution