Evidencias morfogenéticas cuaternarias en el Karst de la Sierra del Endrinal (Grazalema, Cádiz)
- Rodríguez Vidal, J.
- Álvarez, G.
- Cáceres, L.M.
- Martínez Aguirre, A.
- Alcaraz, J.M.
ISSN: 0213-683X
Year of publication: 1998
Issue: 24
Pages: 267-270
Type: Article
More publications in: Geogaceta
The geomorphological observations made until now reveal a long morphogenic history for the karst of the Eridrinal: mountains; going back to pre-Quaternary times. The erosion surfaces mapped (Sl, S2 and 53) have å biostatic genesis and are linked to humid media with forest cover, favouring carbonation below a karst- cover. The rëlatiônship between speleothems and geomorphology seems to indicate that surfaces 1 and 2 are basal surfaceS of weathering, with biostatic genesis, which would remain active from at least 300 ky BP (Middle Pleistocene), with a petibd of intense carbonation during the isotopic (cold) state 6 between 190 and 140 ky BR Surface 3, of retent genësiS (Late. Pleistócene to Holocene), is the result of a general biostatic situation, with Climatic and anthopögenic rhexistatic disturbances that have movilized, under the action of water flow ånd gravity, the detPitús and regoliths generated in previous. epochs. Regional palaeoenvironmental indicators show a climatic change towards greater aridity during the transition from Middle to Late Pleistôcene