Dinamización turística de la Cuenca Minera de Riotinto (Huelva, España)

  1. Alfonso Vargas Sánchez
  2. Emilio Romero Macías
  3. Nuria Porras Bueno
  4. Mª Ángeles Plaza Mejía
Visión de futuro

ISSN: 1668-8708 1669-7634

Year of publication: 2009

Volume: 12

Issue: 2

Type: Article

More publications in: Visión de futuro

Sustainable development goals


In this paper the case of the mining river Basin of the province of Huelva is treated (Spain), centered in the potentialities of its pyrites strip, mainly as from, the resources of the locality of Minas Riotinto and of the initiatives carried out there. The giving of value of that mining, tangible and intangible patrimony, with a tourist purpose has to be done as from the knowledge of the behavior of the tourist and the key matters that determine their satisfaction. To this end, the results of the field work carried out among the visitors to the Riotinto Parque Minero are exposed.

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