The application of bits of intelligence as prevention of possible learning disabilities in childhood educationa case of study

  1. Moya Maya, Asunción 1
  2. García Hernández, Anna 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Huelva

    Universidad de Huelva

    Huelva, España



ISSN: 1989-9572

Ano de publicación: 2014

Volume: 5

Número: 1

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: JETT


The aim of this study focuses on developing an educational program through the bits of intelligence to prevent possible learning disabilities in students of Childhood Education. On the one hand, the sample consisted of six teachers of kindergarten and two teachers assistants (PAI), to whom a semi-structured interview was made. On the other hand, the students in a classroom of kindergarten, specifically four years old, was applied the scale of observation. The analyses show that the application of bits of intelligence in the classroom is a good resource to prevent learning difficulties, as they cater to diversity in kindergarten.

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