Factores predictores de deterioro cognitivo en población mayor de 64 años institucionalizada y no institucionalizada

  1. Antonio Leiva-Saldaña
  2. Sánchez Ramos, José Luis
  3. León Jariego, José Carlos
  4. Palacios Gómez, Leopoldo
Enfermería clínica

ISSN: 1130-8621

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 26

Issue: 2

Pages: 129-136

Type: Article


More publications in: Enfermería clínica

Sustainable development goals


Aim Describe the factors which can be associated with cognitive impairment in institutionalized and non-institutionalized elderly. Method Cross-sectional study of 200 people aged over 64 in Huelva (Spain) in 2014. Of these, 100 people were institutionalized in a residential facility and 100 were not. Cognitive impairment was assessed using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE-35), basic activities of daily living by Barthel index, general health through the Goldberg GHQ-28 and social, clinical and behavioural variables were contemplated in the study. The association of cognitive impairment with all the variables was analysed using Chi-square test. Finally, a multivariate analysis was performed using logistic regression to identify possible joint influence of variables to study on the cognitive impairment. Results The prevalence of cognitive impairment in those institutionalized was 47%, higher than that of non-institutionalized group which was only 8% (p < .001). The dependence for basic activities for daily living and learning activities were the only variables in both groups which were associated with the cognitive impairment. Institutionalization (OR = 5.368), age (OR = 1.066) and dependence for basic activities (OR = 5.036) were negatively associated with CI, while learning activities (OR = .227) were associated in a positive way. Conclusions Conducting learning activities and the promotion of personal autonomy can delay cognitive impairment in older people. It is important to include cognitive stimulation programs aimed at the old population, especially in residential institutions.

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