Alternativas de reducción de las emisiones de dióxido de carbono (C02) en la producción de cemento. Propuesta de un modelo de evaluación
- 1 Universidad de Huelva, España
ISSN: 0121-5051
Year of publication: 2016
Volume: 26
Issue: 60
Pages: 51-66
Type: Article
More publications in: Innovar: revista de ciencias administrativas y sociales
The optimal combination of available measures for setting emissions of carbon dioxide (C02) looking to reconcile production objectives with environmental criteria, requires of planning approaches in industrial production that incorporate new parameters and variables to assess the impact of operational decisions on such emissions, according to limitations established on the Kyoto Protocol. After conducting a detailed analysis of the potential for improving the alternatives available in order to reduce C02 emissions from cement production, this paper addresses optimization decisions with an integrated approach, using a linear programming model that jointly includes the viable alternatives for reducing emissions and considering those derived from the application of the flexibility mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol, as well as those aimed at improving products and production processes. The implementation of such model will improve the decision-making process by making possible to consider different scenarios and obtain relevant information through the post-optimal analysis. It includes, among other alternatives, the maximum amount payable by the facilities in the market for the rights to emit an additional ton of C02 or possible changes in the production mix to increase profitability, both relative to type of product as to the manufacturing quantity thereof.