Aguas da mortela contaminación de las aguas en las cuencas mineras de la Península Ibérica
- Juan Diego Pérez Cebada 1
- Paulo Guimaraes 2
Universidad de Huelva
Universidade de Évora
ISSN: 1132-7200
Year of publication: 2017
Issue: 69
Pages: 81-108
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de historia industrial
Iberian mining basins have a long history of water pollution problems. This paper analyzes the most serious mining pollution cases in Spain and Portugal in the period spanning from the second half of 19th century to the 1960s. The first part centers on the technological consequences of these problems, with a particular stress on the role and strategies of mining companies. The second part is an analysis of the institutional framework in Portugal and Spain, which emphasizes the early character of the legal solutions implemented as well as their originality and diversity. Finally, the complex relations between technological innovation, institutional framework and water pollution are discussed.
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