Herramientas para el trabajo socialinstrumento de registro de la visita domiciliaria en salud mental
- Martos Sánchez, Cinta 1
- Piedra, Julio 1
- Rosa Martín, Juan José
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 1578-3103
Argitalpen urtea: 2017
Urtea: 17
Zenbakia: 2
Orrialdeak: 4-9
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Agathos: Atención sociosanitaria y bienestar
It presents an instrument of collected of operative and useful information in the daily work of the professional of the social work, like integral member of the team interdisciplinary of Mental Health, as it is the register of domiciliary visit. The use of said instrument makes possible the multidisciplinary work and unifies criteria between the professionals of the social work in mental health to evaluate the distinct domiciliary visits realized.