Parquet multicapa de "Eucalyptus globulus" y "Quercus robur". Resistencia al impacto para diversas tipologías de fabricación

  1. Sepliarsky, Fernando
  2. Tapias-Martin, Raúl
  3. Acuña-Rello, Luis
Maderas: Ciencia y tecnología

ISSN: 0717-3644 0718-221X

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 20

Issue: 1

Pages: 103-116

Type: Article

More publications in: Maderas: Ciencia y tecnología


The resistance of several Eucalyptus globulus and Quercus robur engineered wood flooring compositions has been tested using the impact test, according to the ASTM D1037-99 standard. The test samples were made up of different top layer, top layer thicknesses and different inner lays. The result not showing significant differences between the two wood species.The impact test result was statistically independent of the species tested (eucalyptus or oak) as top layer, being analyzed with significance levels above 95%; however, statistically significant results were obtained for support material and top layer thickness. A linear model, using the average density on the first 4 mm depth, explained 82% of the impact results obtained by the tests that allow to use, with sufficient guarantee, this average density as a good predictor of the results (diameter of impress mark) of the impact test.Keywords: Engineered wood flooring, Eucalyptus globulus,hardness, impact test, Quercus robur

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