Comparing surface measurement of black carbon and columnar AERONET inferred contents during the "El Arenosillo 2004 summer campaign
- Mogo, S.
- Cachorro, V.
- de Frutos, A.
- de la Rosa, J.
- Sorribas, M.
ISSN: 2171-8814
Year of publication: 2010
Issue Title: IX Reunión Nacional de óptica I
Volume: 43
Issue: 1
Pages: 49-55
Type: Article
More publications in: Óptica pura y aplicada
During the summer of 2004 a field campaign was carried out at the El Arenosillo Atmospheric Sounding Station (ESAt), near Huelva, South-Western Spain. The campaign was designed to obtain experimental data on aerosol in situ absorption, size distribution, chemical composition, and columnar optical properties but this paper deals only with the evaluation of the absorbent aerosol. A Dekati cascade impactor and a PM10 Graseby-Andersen high volume sampler were used to collect aerosol fractions over filters. In this paper an estimation is made for the concentration of black carbon at ground level, using the absorption coefficients obtained from a filter transmission method. The values obtained are highly variable and range from 31 ng m-3 to 770 ng m-3 . The high volume sampler filters were analyzed for elemental carbon with a thermaloptical method (LECO). The black carbon concentration is also compared with the columnar level retrieved from aerosol absorption optical depth derived from inversion of a sun-photometer data inside the AERONET framework