Modelado y difusión de temas noticiosos en medios socialescaracterísticas y factores de la emergencia de noticias en un canal informativo de Twitter
- Arcila Calderón, Carlos 3
- Barbosa Caro, Eduar 1
- Aguaded, Ignacio 2
Universidad del Rosario
Universidad de Huelva
Universidad de Salamanca
ISSN: 0188-252X, 2448-9042
Year of publication: 2019
Issue: 16
Type: Article
More publications in: Comunicación y sociedad
This study aims to characterize the modeling and diffusion of news topics in social media and determine the factors that influenced them. Big Data analysis methods such as topic modeling and sentiment analysis were used to analyze one year of tweets from Colombian newspaper El Tiempo. We found that the appearance of long-term topics was related to the message’s attributes. Theoretical implications and contributions in light of innovation are mentioned.
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