El balcón: aprendiendo a leer la imagen

  1. Maria Victoria Galloso Camacho
Discurso & Sociedad

ISSN: 1887-4606

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Ausgabe: 13

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 225-239

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Discurso & Sociedad


The analysis of multimodal speech provides a new model in the field of discourse analysis for the research which focusses on the study of language in combination with more resources. In this work, the analysis of multimodal speech (O'Halloran, 2012) is approached by the study of a corpus of 18 photographs of an Andalusian street at parties, concentrating on the communicative value of the balcony in our societies. This article analyses an Andalusian street throughout eighteen photographs. The first part tackles issues of visual communication and its importance and the need to establish strategies to master media abilities understood as the new literacy and, at the same time the idea of balconies as a medium to build dialogues in the community. It goes on with a description of the main ornamental and architectural features of the series of selected images and its communicative implications; and, last but not least, the conclusions which highlight the need to open up studies dealing with the visual network we interpret daily in the sociolinguistic arena.

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