El posible perfil enológico de los vinos de la vid silvestre euroasiática antes de su domesticación y la presencia más antigua de semillas cultivadas en el área de Tartessos

  1. F. González de Canales
  2. R. Ocete
  3. G. Lovicu
  4. J. Llompart
  5. E.C. Martín
  6. C. Weiland
  7. A. Rodríguez Miranda
  8. J.M. Valle
  9. M. Cantos
  10. J.L. García
  11. M. Lara
  12. A. Montaño
  13. C.A. Ocete

ISSN: 2013-6099

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 66

Type: Article

More publications in: Enoviticultura


The present paper is focused on five relic wild grapevine populations within Huelva province (SW Europe, Spain) prospected between 2015–2017. One microvinification was carried out in each population. Data indicate that the ethanol concentration varies between 10.4 and 13.4 v/v. The color intensity is situated between 14.6 and 17.6 and the pH between 3.26–3.27. These constitute suitable values for red wines under Mediterranean climatology. On the other hand the age of cultivated waterlogged grapevine seeds found in an excavation in the down town of Huelva city, using a radiocarbon procedure, was 2,795 ± 30 years B.P. This antiquity agrees with that calculated according the style of the ceramic rests to contain wine from Sardinian origin accompanying the pips, found in the same archaeological stratum. Tridimensional measures of these pips were compared with other from wild origin in order to establish differences between both groups.