La calidad periodística en la cobertura de terremotosCaso Ecuador

  1. Arrobo-Agila, Juan Pablo
  2. Mendoza, María
  3. Aguaded Gómez, José Ignacio
Ambitos: Revista internacional de comunicación

ISSN: 1988-5733 1139-1979

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 50

Pages: 193-207

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/AMBITOS.2020.I50.13 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openIdus editor

More publications in: Ambitos: Revista internacional de comunicación


The journalistic quality refers to the rigor in the treatment of information both in the process of creating and disseminating the news pieces. This article analyzes the quality of the coverage of an earthquake, depending on whether the media are local or foreign. For this, the earthquake of April 16, 2016 that occurred in Ecuador is taken as a reference and 64 analysis variables are observed in two newspapers: El Comercio de Quito (Ecuador) and El País (Spain). The method used is mixed: from the quantitative point of view volume and thematic selection, typology of sources and approaches, argumentative genres and graphics are observed. From the qualitative point of view, the perspectives of the special envoys who covered the first moments of the crisis are collected, with interviews carried out with journalists from the newspaper El Comercio in Peru and journalists from El Comercio in Ecuador, newspaper El Universo and Teleamazonas. The sample was made up of 1,126 informative pieces from El Comercio and 44 from El País. Among other findings, it is concluded that the interest of the media, whether national or foreign, is intense during the first 48 hours after the disaster. Then, the situation of the event is kept alive until the 8th, the time when the agenda revolves around the consequences of the natural disaster and stories of human interest..

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