Factores de riesgo psicosocial, satisfacción laboral y saludestudio en una muestra de trabajadores del sector de la construcción
- Yolanda Navarro Abal Director
Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 22 de xaneiro de 2016
- Carlos Ruiz Frutos Presidente
- Marta Evelia Aparicio García Secretario/a
- Javier Gil Flores Vogal
Tipo: Tese
The main objective of this research has been analazing the influence that psychosocial factors have over the working satisfaction and the alterations in health in a sample of workers in the building sector. With such a purpose, three variables have been demarcated -psychosocial factors, job satisfaction and health- and these have been studied based on the responses shown by a sample composed of 302 proffesionals of the construction sector in the provinces of Huelva and Seville. The tools used to analize such variables were the Questionaire CoPsoQ-ISTAS21 for the psychosocial risks, Warr, Cook and Wall's General Scale of Working Satisfaction and the Questionaire of Health SF-36. In the first contents block of work, we have shown the psychosomatic consequences which carry an unstabitlity psychosocial factor on the workers' health; we have gone in depth into the conceptualization of the three variables previously studied, and we have carried out a portrayal of the sector where the research has been done, construction -a field, which, by the way, has been barely studied in our discipline-. Next, the main objectives were explicitly stated, and the general hypothesis of the study was set out; "A continuous exhibition by the worker to unfavourable psychosocial conditions may carry situations of job dissatisfaction shown through lacking motivation behaviour -absenteeism, lack of efficiency, delays- as well as an ongoing deterioration in health which could end up causing chronic problems on it - skeletal muscle and cardiovascular, disorders, etc-" The sample was done on workers in construction companies who had taken courses of prevention of dangerous working conditions in the construction bussiness, who had access to the courses through their managers and technicians on PDWC or making contact with the workers themselves. The results achieved in each of the studied variables were individually evaluated, in order to be presented by a matrix which allows to link psychosocial factors, job satisfaction and health later. 84.50% of participants, belonging to 19 different fields, were males, the female representation being over the sector average. The labourer post was the most numerous one. 71.3% of them were under 45 years old, with quite a different academic formation. The contractual tie with the Company shows a low level of permanent contracts -26%-, with a high experience in the sector, over ten years in 50% of workers. In relation with the principal hypothesis, clear evidences of its verification were found. The presence of psychosocial risks in the labour was associated in a meaningful and negative way with the job satisfaction, finding interrelationship with the General Satisfaction (r=0.148), Extrinsic Satisfaction (r= 0.190) and Intrinsic Satisfaction (r= 0.156). The same way, the results of the studied psychosocial dimensions were linked meaningfully and negatively with the perception of the worker's own health (r= 0.188). With respect to the results by the variables, the working conditions under which the construction activity is done, generate risk of psychosocial origin, getting meaningful results in the double presence dimensions, uncertainty about the future, rol conflicts, control of time and quantitative psychological requirements. The workers' degree of job satisfaction is lower that of the average population. The relationship among colleagues, the working schedule and the recognition for a well done job are the factors getting a higher punctuation, the results not permitting to conclude there is a high degree of satisfaction. Salary and stability at work are the factors generating a greater dissatisfaction. Finally, and regarding their perception of health, the workers stated they could do physical activities in a normal way. The demanding physical conditions of the building field are not a limit to the rest of activities being off duty. There is not a symptomatology in regards to presence of pain in percentage which can become a limit for the worker, either for its non-existence, or for its low incidence rate.