Espacios y usos funerarios en Onoba y su área de influencia entre los siglos II a.C.-VII d.C.

  1. Fernández Sutilo, Lucía
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Manuel Campos Carrasco Director
  2. Desiderio Vaquerizo Gil Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 19 July 2016

  1. José Luis Jiménez Salvador Chair
  2. Ana B. Ruiz Osuna Secretary
  3. João Pedro Perira da Costa Bernardes Committee member

Type: Thesis


Huelva's University studies made about the territorial implantation and urban evolution in Baeticefs Southwest, have led us to consider that to get a complete knowledge about different aspects that agree the historical roman reality, we need to develop an exhaustive study about necropolis, because beginning from funeral rituals found, we could go beyond from the cultural entity born after the contact between the autochthonous population and the first colonists, as well as the later diachronical evolution, towards the political, economic, social and religious junctures generated in the cities to which these necropolis belonged. In this respect, we cannot overlook that funerary studies have lived submitted to a constant marginality, as being considered like independent sites without contact with the experimented junctures. In fact, it has been forgotten the concept that Romans had of their own necropolis, understanding them as an undivided element of their city's concept, reflecting from them the rhythm and the variations of the Empire evolution. The project's justification is based on the need to approach, from a new perspective, to funerary evidences of Baeticds Southwest, basically Huelva's province. A new perspective that revalue the necropolis' world as a social representative element, indissolubly joined to the economic, political and social junctures experienced both in the urban and in the rural area. This will be in order to get a new explanatory speech that promotes the research, conservation and putting into value of these remains.