Metodologías colaborativas en la web 2.0 en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en las universidades andaluzasCádiz, Huelva y Sevilla

  1. Rodrigo Cano, Daniel
Supervised by:
  1. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Director
  2. Francisco José García Moro Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 30 November 2016

  1. Julio Cabero Almenara Chair
  2. Ana María Duarte Hueros Secretary
  3. Patricia Roca Rodríguez Committee member

Type: Thesis


The University is a social and educative space where knowledge and society converge and establish relations and asymmetries which allow citizens within that environment to open a door to the future on a social, labor and citizenship level. During the last years we have seen how universalization and soc ialization of University has granted access to numerous students and graduates, which has led to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to establish a recommended ratio on the educative levels. Spanish Universities are reaching th ose required ratios of university graduates, especially between women, whose presence is ever increasing in university lecture rooms. Students are suffering continual pressure from the labor market, driven by attacks to public domain from neoliberal positi ons especially in the last 35 years. There is also the demand for excellency on Spanish Universities, within international rankings and a need to compete with Universities all over the world but with low budgets, labor problems between the teachers and res earchers and conflicts between the administrations, with the University as an historic and future institution. Digitization of Universities is allowing internet access through wifi technology and high speed access to knowledge and more resources through mobile technology such as smartphones, laptops or tablets which are currently present in all the university lecture rooms. In spite of this easy access to internet, the public Spanish Universities are mainly based on face - to - face learning and the Andalusia n University, of which 30% accounts for the subject of this study, is not an exception despite having developed legislation and programs aimed at implementing an economic and technological transition towards a society that requires it to be a driving force for change within global society. This research is social research and so the most appropriate method to discover different opinions is through surveys which the students from Universities that are the subject of this study, were invited to respond via a virtual survey. Furthermore, in order to obtain the feedback from the teachers involved in the process of spreading Communication and Information Technologies (ICT) in the classroom, a focus Group was created in each university object of this study, in whi ch 20 teachers participated. To complete the analysis of this study, different structured interviews took place with relevant persons to identify the necessary teaching skills to carry out this educative transaction. Using these methodological tools for th e survey with a sample n=537 it was obtained an alfa of Cronbach of the use to ICT of .812 (n=13) and for the cooperative methodologies of .890 (N=13) which secures a valid construction of the questionnaire. Survey results show that the students of the Un iversities object of this study use the CIT more frequently than Spanish society in general, using them to send e - mails, while the rest of the society uses them to participate in the social networks. Compared to the Spanish society in general, the students object of this study create more, and participate with more frequency, in the web or blogs and make more use of YouTube. Whilst students use the social networks on a daily basis, social networks have not entered into the university lecture room, where the y are hardly used at all, and the few that are used are not the most popular ones. They are mainly used to prepare school work or to exchange documents, while the classroom prefers to use them to listen to music and watch videos. The collaborative methodol ogies within the University are very well considered among the students but they are hardly used and when used, it is through the tools of the 2.0 web, therefore it is necessary that the Andalusian University covers the impact of the social network and the ICT in the classrooms. Methodologies in the classroom, according to the teachers, have to change towards other forms such as work by projects, by problems, inverted classes and to incorporate other strategies that reallocate students in the real dimension , that requires the radical opposition that students present to hierarchy and the more traditional forms of teaching.