Cristóbal de Mesa. Valle de lágrimas y diversas rimasedición crítica y estudio

  1. González Mariano, Mar
Dirixida por:
  1. Luis María Gómez Canseco Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 09 de febreiro de 2016

  1. José María Micó Presidente/a
  2. José Valentín Núñez Rivera Secretario
  3. Eugenia Fosalba Vela Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The study about the literary work of Cristóbal de Mesa (1559? - 1633), especially over the Valle de lágrimas y diversas Rimas , arises fro m the need to extract from oblivion one of the poets from second line in the Spanish poetry of The Golden Century and give him a place inside the extensive corpus of auresicular literature. His life and work are marked by different spanish and italian resi dences that allowed him to establish friendship and correspondence with notable writers of the time. Fray Luis de León, Fernando Herrera, Luis Barahona de Soto, Baltasar Escobar, Torquato Tasso, Vittoria Colonna, Miguel de Cervantes and Francisco de Queved o, among others, notably influenced in the development and composition of his books. Cristóbal de Mesa published his first book in 1594, Las Navas de Tolosa and one decade later published La restauración de España (1607) and Valle de lágrimas y diversas Ri mas (1607). El patrón de España (1612), La Eneida de Virgilio (1615) and Las geórgicas y bucólicas, y Rimas, y el Pompeyo tragedia (1618), completing its bibliographic repertoire. The religious work printed in 1607, Valle de lágrimas y diversas Rimas , have strong character sacred and counter - reformist theories from the Council of Trent. The book is accompanied by an extensive corpus of rhymes of diverse consideration, in which the most lyrical poet of compositions writted from 1580 to 1604; the spanish poet debated between the love theme, withdrawing life, "vanitas vanitatum" and poetry «áulica», among others. The study consisted of an updated and commented edition, as well as conducting a preliminary analysis that important aspects are discussed from his li fe and work. The thesis also addressed relevant aspects on the text about the work in its space - time context or relationship with his other book, La restauración de España (1607), with which it shares dates and print data, and they bring to the text a spec ific singularity within the extended work of Cristóbal de Mesa.