El desarrollo educativo y social del alumnado de origen europeo oriental en Andalucíaun estudio desde la perspectiva del profesorado

Dirigée par:
  1. Heliodoro Manuel Pérez Moreno Directeur
  2. Juan Carlos González Faraco Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 12 juillet 2017

  1. Antonio Luzón Trujillo President
  2. Juan Ramón Jiménez Vicioso Secrétaire
  3. Patricia Delgado Granados Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


This thesis studies educational and social development of students of Eastern European origin attending schools in Huelva province (Andalusia, Spain). The approach chosen is that of the teaching staff working at educational establishments with medium or high percentage of students of foreign background. The geographical area of the investigation possesses sociodemographic features that turn it into a relevant study field in the sphere of migrations. Despite the severe consequences of the current financial crisis, the intense agricultural activity in the area continues drawing extensive foreign population of diverse background. Over the last three decades, immigrants from Eastern Europe have become one of the most numerous groups. In spite of having been object of relevant social studies, investigations exploring the educational perspective of integration of this population group in the Spanish society are scarce. The present thesis intends to contribute to filling this gap, providing further knowledge on school development of this group, observing and analysing its image in the teachers' discourse and, ultimately, clarifying its situation and significance in the school culture of the educational establishments. In brief, the objective of this investigation is to collect, study and interpret the teachers' opinions regarding academic performance, compliance with behaviour rules at school and social integration of these students. Undoubtedly, the most appropriate methodological option for the objective of the study is of qualitative or even quasi-ethnografic nature. Consequently, the main instruments used in the investigation have been the semistructured interview as well as observation, since the study was intended to enquire into a phenomenon in its social space through the vision of one of its main actors, the teachers. The data analysis has allowed to shed light on school development of students of Eastern European origin. From the teachers' perspective, this group is perceived as a homogeneous one with peculiar characteristics as compared to local students or foreign students of different origin (Latin American, Maghrebi, Asian, etc.). In establishing this comparison, the teachers participating in the study qualify educational development of these students as positive, although there are those who stress insufficient command of Spanish and lack of family support in school tasks as the main obstacles hindering more satisfactory school development In this sense, numerous testimonies reveal a distinction between two sections within the group in question, possessing opposite characteristics in relation to academic and social success. According to the informants, factors that influence these students' school life are the previous school capital and the features of their families' migration project, as well as the age of entering the Spanish education system. On the other hand, the students' country of origin and gender are not considered decisive factors for their social and educational development Furthermore, the discourse of the teachers participating in the study reveals other shared judgments, the notable ones being these students' good discipline, their aptitude for Sciences and cultural proximity to the receiving society, which facilitates their social integration, Such coincidences allow to outline a relatively coherent and plausible profile, although, on the other hand, might as well reflect an image that can be produce of the belief and prejudice system of the school culture of the educational establishments and their actors.